Saturday, 5 January 2013

Education PII


Vle (virtual learning area)

A virtual learning area is web based program where students can found the everyday aspect of school on a website such as timetables and school drives as well as email. It is also goo for teacher as it ash allowed the to set homework, assessment and class work when the teacher are not at school for the students, the other great thing about a vle is that it can be accessed any where if you can log into your account. This has work very well into secondary schools such as ours with frog.

White board
The interactive whit board is a different way to look at here technology has changed in education. The technology for it is very simple as very is a project and a white board and the project is connoted to the computer which broadcast the imager on to the white which allow the teacher write on it. They have become a major success in school with most of them having a white board.

Some school in Europe and American have introduce the idea of using tablet and the Ipad in school, this has become very success as the both the Ipad and the tablet as they are both very easy to use and get used to but some people have disagreed and say that the desktop computer is much easy for the student to use and it but then the tablets and the desktop can use java and flash while the Ipad cannot use it. However with these set back I find that the Ipad is much better as it is lighter and easy to carry and you can still type up documents on it as well.

Kids taught it skills from an early age/ Programming

Since it is required in nearly every job it has been taught to child in primary school from the age of 5 and has been taught from the school years which goes up to a-level when students are taught applied it, jobs in it have required that school teaches more to student what they can do on the computer such as programming and coding as well.

But this has lead to a problem as one can post anything on the internet so student have started to plagiarism work which is there’s and just copy and paste work however usually most teachers can see when a student has copied work as it is either not as good as before or there are words in which a student might not understand.   

Handwriting is poor
With more people staring to use computer in school the need to use paper is become less used which has lead to an increased of bad handwriting. But with this has lead to the increase of exam which are done online so the handwriting isn’t a issue.
Employment in the information age

The first time the computer device which has been in employment was back in the 20th century and it was to calculate mathematic problems, from then on the computer has been devolved to do more stuff and help people in the industry. The first time a computer was invented by today standards was back in 1940 and it was at Bletchley Park and it was to try and crack the enigma code and the man who invented it was Alan Turing.  

Here is one of the code breakers at Bletchley Park.


With the increase of computers into the work place, the office scene was very different to the one we are used to. One of the main differences was most people were using type writer rather than computer, another big difference most of the information was store in a filing cabinet rather be stored on a database on a computer.      

As we can see that there are a number of many differences between the office of today and the office of 70s with the many being the number of computer the are in the office.

But as technology has got smaller it has made the computer more portable which has lead to the bigger increase of people using laptops and tablets which have allowed them to take their work on the go. So company have made tablets have let the employees use it to try and increase public knowledge of the devices.

With the introduction of the computer its has meant advantages to it with one being able to solve extremely hare mathematical or logical question which would take a human a long time. The other advantage which the computer has is that its memory can had a lot moiré then a human memory can plus most of this can be store on to a hard drive. With computer in the workplace it has opened up a new area for jobs which deal with computer such as writing data/ programs for the computer to follow.

However the is someone disadvantages to having computer in the workplace and one is that is it will crash or failure, this can happen during a power cut or if the computer doesn’t have the right portion is can be attack from virus. Which can lead it to have its memory wiped or it become non functional. With computer in the workplace in has meant the skilled workers have lost their jobs to computers and the computer can do it much faster then a computer.