Tuesday 27 November 2012



Games online

With online gaming there’s two types of gaming online theirs free to pay and theirs one which cost money to own an account. Most of the free games to play online are very simplistic and easy for the users, however while the pay to play are more complex and very much down to the very little detail. These games allow the user to connect to the world while playing these games. Two major mmorpgs are Eve online and WoW (world of warcraft) both of these games is very big on the internet as both have a wide range of communities. I have played both of these games and I do believe that do exceed what would be call the grade mark for a good Mmorpgs and is highly respected in the game community. I can see why many people would come play games online as it give them the sense of community and a belonging in the game.

The other form of online games is via game consoles this has also become widely popular. From this it has allowed the user to chat and hang out with friends or people the meet online, which allows them to play with each other online. Some of the most popular games played on Xbox liver of psn is either the Fifa games or the call of duty series which have became popular. With both of these gaming types becoming more and more popular it a likelihood that we will see more people using online gaming.


This is another form of entertainment on the internet which gain a rapid increased its popularity in the few last years, leading some websites and company to success with the ability to watch videos.

 There are three types of videos online, the first one is movies this allows the user to watch movie online two of the big companies which allow you to do this is lovefilm and Netflix the user has to pay a small cost from having this privileges but is much cheap than buying all the blu rays or Dvds making it more popular to download movie than rather buying them.

The other service is catch up t.v which allows the user to re watch the recent t.v which have benign on t.v and use missed the show. A good example for this website is BBC I player, itv player and 4od. BBC I player was the first channel to set this up however once this other broadcast networks did the same. There is a disadvantage to this, as all the t.v programs on there are only are available for a set time whoever they are still very popular with the British public

The last form of videos on the internet is short clips which are available to the use. One of the most famous website to do this is YouTube. The popularity is down YouTube is down to be wide range of videos which satisfied everyone likes of videos. From first day YouTube started it has over 72 hours of video footage on YouTube and has had about four billions hour of the YouTube is watch each month.  Due to YouTube success it has allow many other people to become famous from YouTube and they have became viral videos. However YouTube does have a down side to it which is many people can and do get trolled on the internet from a spiteful comment to a long harassment letter in someone inbox  lead has leads to it have cyber bullying issue.


Online radio has become a big popular form entertainment online as many people listen to the radio while at work. This service allows the user to access the radio services while at a computer. Due to it being on the internet it has made it very easy to access any radio station over the world. When in was created in 1994 it was very popular however it is still gain popularity. One of the many big website from making your own music radio station is 365 live this service allow to listen to all different types of music on radio which specialized in a certain type of music genre or you can find the radio station you listen on the internet as most stations are on the internet.

Now you can find apps for iPhone and Xbox which allow you can listen to the music while on your iPhone or Xbox one of the many website to do this is absolute radio. This service can now reach more people who didn’t listen to the radio on the computer.

Wednesday 21 November 2012

Download services

Download services

Entertainments service
One of the major download which people use is downloading music on to the computer, mp3 and iPod or iPhone, this is when a company share’s it file while other people for there to download it one of the many website which does this is iTunes or Amazon. People have to pay for this service however it is a little cost, there is one problem with this as it can lead to illegal file download and this is when someone has paid for the music but has illegal download it. This has lead to laws being made to try and stop this.

Another form of download is where someone downloads games or apps. This is when someone downloads a game and installs it to them computer or an iPhone if it’s an app. This has lead to people playing a lot of games being played online, just like the music this can lead to hacking games or jailbreaking them. Many game have laws to stop be from, being in a  third person party while running the game and this can be lead with a banned in the game to being arrested.

Movies have become another thing to download off the internet. This is similar to the music download as it allows the user to access file to download or you can watch the films on the internet. Some of the big website which offers these is lovefilms and Netflix. However just like gaming and music online there are people who break the law when watch moves illegal, many people would watch a movie over the internet rather than going to see it in the cinema making the cinema lose money.

Information downloads
One of the big download of information now is newspaper and magazines as being away of people getting their information, with more people on the go is has became a lot more convenient to have the app on your smart phone rather than buying a newspaper. The has been made easy to read by the e book as it formats the newspaper or magazine in to a size which is read able. This have became both good way of people getting information on the go, rather than having a newspaper.

With technology always advancing it has became much easy to download software from the internet rather than buying it from the store. It has become more convenient to download the software on to the computer. This has allowed people to stay up to date with the latest technology. However, some website can be misleading buy to use their website which in the data can have a hidden virus or malware and install it on to the computer if there not careful enough.

Advantages and disadvantages
One of the advantages has became that it is much easy to download stuff from the internet rather than going out to buy if from the shop as download have became much quicker. This has become more convenient to the user the download services have spread on to the Smartphone and making it easy to download apps for the phones.

One of the major disadvantages it that people can download illegal which is against the law. Another thing which is a disadvantages for downloading is that more people are on the internet make the speed go slower with everyone on at the same time it would make the download reality slow. This could annoying and angry to some of the people of the internet with the download speeds.

Sunday 11 November 2012

Online banking

Online Banking

One of the first electronic banking was ATM or hole in the wall, one of the first ATM in England was made by Barclays back in 1968 in London and these have become one of the most iconic thing with banking.

One of the first ways which allowed people to using bank at home was home banking which allowed people to access to their, via using the phone to call the banking to enter the details. This started at about the early 80s and became very popular by the late 80s. The first home banking set up in England was in 1983 and was set up by the bank of Scotland it was very basic and it allowed you to view statements, bank transfer and bill payments. The first bank to have an online baking website was Stanford federal credit union which allowed all of it member to have access to the online bank. Nowadays many banks have become only online banks just like many of the business today one good exmaple of this is egg.

Direct Debit
The service online us used to pay for the user account to the other people account by taking a set amount of money each time, the Debit card is used for paying rent or your mortgages as it only take a set amount of money for the person bank account, with using it online it can make it much easy for the user.

Apps for banking
Nowadays with people always on the move, and not near a computer, bank have start to have apps with do the same job as the service online has. These apps have the same purposes as the online service but are more freely used as your can send with a standing order or check how much you have in the bank, they have prove to be a popular app.


There are two many disadvantages to the online banking service which are older people , skilled workers who work for the bank and people who like the communications at the bank.

Many older don’t user the internet or have difficult using the internet so having online banking service will not be much use to the older who will still prefer to use the bank to deposit and withdrew money. Also the might not use it for security reasons as there is a lot of new feature security details. Some people do not feel safe to share their personal details online.

The other group of people which would be effect by online banking service is skilled works, as computer would replace them as the can do a quick job and would cost less them using a real person to do the job. This could be a many disadvantages to skilled work as a threat of unemployment.   

Many people still use the bank as away of communication to talk with other humans but with many banks now online people would not have the communications as the would if they will at a actual bank.

Sunday 4 November 2012



The internet has help with the government as it has allowed them to post plan and stuff your find in a newsletter on the internet making it cheap and less time consuming then printing and handing out newsletters

Direct gov
This is a website which allows the public to find out information about the government and local council. The range of audience varies from children to adults; the service also gave information on local council such bin days to renewing a book from the library. Direct gov also help children to show them the key building in the area which the live in such as town hall police stations. The aim of the website is to get people more invore with the community. They also help a disable section to help disable people with the needs.  

 Government gateway
This has allowed many people to register the license plate and pay for their income tax, this works for business and people who have to pay taxes. The site was launch in 1999 as a way for the government to collect the taxes, also with registering the number plate online it makes it easy for the government to keep control of the date as it couldn’t get lost in the post. This has made it easy for people to pay and registered the number plate, thanks to the government using online services.

NHS direct
The NHS has a service which allows you to find out what to do if you are ill, this also included help the pregnancies. One of the main features which the website gives to the user is advice on want to do if you’re ill. As it is 24 hours it cans give advice all day. To know what illness you have the have a symptoms check which allows seeing in your have any on the symptoms. The website also offers a service which allows you to see how close the gp is to you. The website also offers a form on other topics which a debatably.  

Tuesday 23 October 2012

Online service Education

Online service Education

BBC bitesize
it was launched it 1998 and it was designed to help kids with their school work at home it also has an exam area for older students to user to help with exams which I used during my time when I was going though doing my gcse. The advantage of using bitesize it’s easy to revision from it as it offers a lot of revision guides to user with online tips and exam guides, However it does come with it disadvantages as well as it some of the information on the website can be out of date and inaccurate.

This online service was lunched to help students to do their my homework online, My teacher now use mymaths to set homework online has it is an easy ways to check who has done their homework, I have used mymaths at my time at school and I have also find it to help as well with my gcse math and statistics. One of th advantages of using my math it has allowed students has it has allowed their t study that subject if they don’t understand it with revision guides however one of the disadvantages of mymaths is that you have to own an account to access mymaths which makes it hard for people to use my math as they might forget the password of username.     

Sam learning
Sam learning was launched in 1994, Sam stand for Self Assessment method and it cover all the up gcse. It is an active revision and practice papers, most of the content is written by teachers and examiners. About 60% of secondly schools use Sam learning, one of the advantage of using Sam learning it that it has a variety of subject which student came user and it also it has test which allow the user to test they to see how well they are doing. I have used sam learning both to help with my gcse as I found that the test yourself bit helpful.

Wikipedia is an online encyclopedia which has most of what is on the internet, It has an entry page on wiki, This has help my people with homework as it has a lot of information on the chosen web entry on wiki. I have used wiki on many occasions when I have done my homework.  When of the big advantages of using wiki it that it has a lot of information on subjects and it is very easy to find what you’re looking for. However it comes with one big disadvantages which is plagiarism which when someone copies someone work and try and claim as they own, another thing which is an disadvantage to wiki is that anyone can write on a page entry,

Many people wouldn’t count YouTube as an education online service however I disagree with this as many people do post video to help people with an education purpose as sometime teacher do watch education videos which can be found on YouTube. One of the main people who put up education videos are the BBC. I have used YouTube in to study videos in lesson such as history to try and create a feeling of being there. One of the advantages of using YouTube is that it is good a creating a feeling of being there this is good in such lesson like history but this does come with a downside as there is not a lot of education videos on YouTube and it is a website to get distracted on it with watching other videos which are off topic.

YouTube Logo.svg

Monday 22 October 2012


E-commerce has allowed people to shop online for items they might not find in a store. It has transform the way people do their shopping this had lead many shops attracting a type of shoppers as now days shops on the internet can store anything they would like to. This has brought many advantages and disadvantages to the online shopping. One of the biggest shops which have done well on the internet is amazon.

The Advantages to the customer
Cheap as they are buying it for the store so no delivering service is need to go to the store

Allow the customer to buy more of a range of goods

The Advantages to the business 
Store can stock pretty much anything they would to sell on the internet making it attract more costumers

It’s also has the ability to have a target audience to make a shop a more preferred to the user style.

Cheap as well as they don’t have to pay for work force

Disadvantages to the customer

The have to pay for overseas shipping

It more had to return an item

Product many not fit or maybe damage

Entering your banking detail may lead to fraud and identity thief

Disadvantages to the business

Malicious software attack to the website and it could steal information about the customer

People may give the website a bad feed back

One of the best website which have does most of the website is amazon. The have become one of the best website where you can buy anything on the internet, Amazon start out as a bookshop online where the realized that online you can stock as many books as your what as you didn’t have any limited space. Due to this they could stock as much as they wanted. For this they have expand into many other stock such as games.


Sunday 30 September 2012

Real time information  

News updates
News updates happen all the time and allow your keep up with all the news which happens in the world, news update are for people who like to stay connoted to the news and keep up to date with news, website which have news updates are bbc and cbs however facebook could as they’re more personal.
Traffic news
Traffic new this update people who are on a journey or about to go on a journey, this allow the diver to choose the best route and the quickest way to get there, however it is mostly radio which give out he traffic report as they can update the driver on their journey but you might use the internet to plan ahead for you journey.

Airline tracking
This allow your keep track of your flight and someone flight to see where that at. One website which one you to do these is flight radar as it tells you where the flight is and if it is delayed, this is useful if your expect someone to go back from a flight this allows you to track them in the sky.

Weather update / webcam

 This real time information allows you to check what the weather going to be like in particle area in the country, now days ski resorts allow you to see what the weather and how much snow is there during the skiing months. This use of this use is to give the people using the webcam or weather system a look into how the weather is predicts is a certain area. The main website i use for this is bbc weather. 

 Parcel tracking
This allows to see where your parcel is going before it reaches your house so you can see which route it take and even which building it has enter, I haven’t used this system before but I guess it’s good and could be kind fun if you hand free time on your hands, also many of the main deliver company now us this so their customer can keep track of the parcel.

This is real time information as it takes off a ticket each time you buy one so no one else can buy the same tickets as you, this work for cinema and concert and you can’t have the same ticket as someone else. I have used this service many times when I have go to the cinema and booked my tickets in advance so i could see the movie.

Rail information
This information allows our to see what time the time is expected to come and whether or not it’s on time, another thing which this allow you to do now day is to book your ticket online as well so if you’re travelling to Europe you can buy your train ticket online also many train company also selling train tickets much cheaper on the internet.

Bus Tracking
This service is for the smart phone as many smart phones do have the capability of internet use and this service has been turned in to an app as I saw a man use it one day when I caught the bus. This could be a useful tool if you use the bus a lot however if it is a one off, this service is really worth having, many of the many bus company use this such as arriva.

Monday 24 September 2012

Social networking this include website such as twitter and facebook these website allow the person to communicate by messaging each other while twitter allows you to send tweet to people to stay in contact with them. However this could be count as the new as you keep up with the trending stories of the week and sometimes it could be personal news. The first know  website to use a form of social networking was Classmate.com this was a website which allowed to try and reunite we friends from high school and college or add friends from work or the US military. Most popular website used for social networking is Facebook as it is claimed that they have over 908 million user on Facebook and I must say I am one of these user of Facebook, and the closest one to them it twitter which has just has over half as many Facebook user on the website, with more and more people using the internet to try and stay in contact with each other you can only see the number of people on these website growing.
Mobile phone can be count as online services as more and more people are using the mobile phone for online service a could example would be twitter or facebook again or maybe YouTube if you capture a life changing event on your phone. Once again this also could be count as news as my website now has a mobile phone format to allow the user of the phone to use it. Many early phones were just plain used for making other calls to people but now with people using their phone for work such as making sure backups have run smoothly through the night. The first phone to allow it customer to use the internet was the nokia 7110, other this phones have been getting smart and quicker at using the internet some people even jailbreak their phone to allow them for more access on their phone. Again just like social networking the people using the internet on there is going to increase this might be a good thing as it allow people to report on it first.  I don’t use to using my phone for going onto the internet but now I have a smartphone and tend to the use the internet a lot more know.
Skype has allow people to communicate for by voices to and video calling it is also a one to one thing, however Skype it also now doing more video conference with can feature up 6 people, Another thing which is like Skype is facetime this is an app which apple have created which allows you to chat and communicate to other apple device which also have Facetime. Skype is a good way to communicate as it allow people all over the world to communicate with each other some for example so one could be in New Zealand and call someone in American, this has allowed families to stay in contact with each other . Roughly about 405 million people having an account with Skype. It was started in 2003 and has been owned by eBay and Microsoft. As more and more people are moving a way for better jobs in other countries this could only mean that the number of Skype account would increase.  I do have a Skype account but I fairly new to Skype and haven’t used it that much.

Short messages is way of texting each for mobile phone this  can be quick and easy then email, with about 3.6 billion user of the short messages service, it usual is between two mobile or phone numbers and it is one of the most widely used apps for communications  however it could be used on the internet as well.

This is when a website offer a area when other people give you advice for free this could be on how to make something or help you In a game, you can ask admin to give you advice or someone helpful will give you the information  but the main purpose of the forum is to give the information free.
Blog is a stranger of communication as you’re a point one view of your point across which is very odd as it only allow your audience to talk about one of your points of view however if you have strong opinions of this it could be a good way of express your feelings and it could also show people who have the same opinions as you.

Sunday 16 September 2012

Online services

There are seven type of gene on the internet

Real Time Information
E government
I will be giving a brief introduction to them.


Many people new use the internet for communicate with each this could be through Social networking sites, Skype or even maybe mobile phones. With the population expanding more and more people are using the internet to catch up with friends or stay in the know with their friends, however many people still use the email to communicate however this is starting to look like it will decrease as 90% of email are spam. It has only been in the last ten years that mobile phone have had the options to be used on the internet, before there was that, there was SMS which stand for short message service which to me and you know as texting each other.


Ecommerce is online shopping now’s day many website have the feature of online shopping this give the buyer a much wider range of products to buy if they cannot be found in a shop this service as has home delivery, another way of online shopping is through transactional website have allowed many people to find what they would like to buy even the company has stop making their items and it is for their rarest items as well. People now pay the banking bills online this has made it much easier for people to pay their bills, one which ahs made online banking is the credit card which allow the user to take form their account and their bills


Nowadays many people using the internet for homework either to research something or if their teach has set some homework online. it has also help many students with revision guides as well,  however this does have a downside to it as on the internet you can write what ever you want to and the has lead people to plagiarism work and try and claim it as their own. Teacher have became aware of this and now have made software witch can detected this.  


You Tube logo
Many people use the internet for their own entertainment, such as looking up cats play the piano to playing online internet games. With the internet offering so much entertainment, as 20 years ago if you want to go to play in a casino or watch something on t.v you had to other had to be at the right time and place to see the t.v program, but nowadays with bbc iplayer you could miss the show and watch it on iplayer. Same with the casino again with betting site also offer gamble services which can be used over the internet.

Real time information

Real time information is where you can read about the new, sports and weather and even tweets on twitter. This allows the user to keep up with the new which is going around the world. Real time information is the traffic report which are update every half hour this also keep the person up-to-date with every thing, you many think why consider twitter as being a Real time information however the news on twitter many be personal news to that person so there fore they would count it as news.


This is when someone download something of the internet such as apps or music for the iPod, or it could be a download for you computer such as the new Norton proctor for your computer, or it could be downloading a game for you computer which use the internet services.


This allow the citizens of your town to pay their tax’s and take part in geranial surveys for the town, they can also find information about their local town such as number of crime and house rice in a certain area of the town. Now day people can voting by using their computer this is called e voting it allow the user to use a electric item to vote.

Friday 14 September 2012

History of Email

The first type of electronic mail was back in the mid 19 century and this was done by Morse code. The early emails were only sending messages to the same computer. In 1972 a man called Ray Tomlinson was credited for inventing the email-however many people believe that the email evolved to keep up with technology- while working for Bolt Beranek and Newman as a contractor. In 1974 the Military where using the email, by the late 70s early 80s the growth of personal computers lead to many more people creating email technologies, this was achieved by using the dial up systems. Since 1995 the email and the internet how being shaping the way we communicate with other people online.   
Now days email still plays a big part in people life at least 294billion emails are sent every day whoever 90 per cent of this is spam or viruses, the first spam massage was sent in 3 may 1974. With this have led to people trolling/flaming each other this is when people send a message with an angry or antagonist comments, the terms was given to describe an heat email discussions. Now days more people are using twitter, facebook and other social media to keep in contact with each other which has led a decrease of people using their emails.
One way people trick other people into give personal detail is be phishing, this is when some pose as a legitminty company, this is suppose to trick the person giving their personal information such as bank details and credit card numbers. They gain the trust of the client by using actual company logos, However many people realize this a trick as they don’t have a account with this company, but this can work with large groups of people as some people might actual have an account with the company.