Friday, 14 September 2012

History of Email

The first type of electronic mail was back in the mid 19 century and this was done by Morse code. The early emails were only sending messages to the same computer. In 1972 a man called Ray Tomlinson was credited for inventing the email-however many people believe that the email evolved to keep up with technology- while working for Bolt Beranek and Newman as a contractor. In 1974 the Military where using the email, by the late 70s early 80s the growth of personal computers lead to many more people creating email technologies, this was achieved by using the dial up systems. Since 1995 the email and the internet how being shaping the way we communicate with other people online.   
Now days email still plays a big part in people life at least 294billion emails are sent every day whoever 90 per cent of this is spam or viruses, the first spam massage was sent in 3 may 1974. With this have led to people trolling/flaming each other this is when people send a message with an angry or antagonist comments, the terms was given to describe an heat email discussions. Now days more people are using twitter, facebook and other social media to keep in contact with each other which has led a decrease of people using their emails.
One way people trick other people into give personal detail is be phishing, this is when some pose as a legitminty company, this is suppose to trick the person giving their personal information such as bank details and credit card numbers. They gain the trust of the client by using actual company logos, However many people realize this a trick as they don’t have a account with this company, but this can work with large groups of people as some people might actual have an account with the company.

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